

To notice how much the process of learning and mastering the English language has evolved throughout history will never fail to impress me. Back in the day, learning English was not perceived to be something as essential as it is in the globalized world in which we currently live. Additionally, the mere fact of knowing even the most elementary notions of this language was usually a sign of an enormous amount of socioeconomical privilege, since the access to comprehensive study material was severely limited. Therefore, having the ability to work on my English at university as well as a having access to a virtually infinite database of information through the internet is something I am certainly very grateful for. This semester’s English class has been a fundamental pillar when it comes to consolidating and further improving my previously acquired knowledge regarding pronunciation, writing, listening and specially grammar and vocabulary. This, in turn, has helped me to integrate Englis...

Capitalist Education

Before beginning to deliberate about this topic, I would like to do a disclaimer in regards to the apparent vagueness of my remarks, that, despite what it may seem, has nothing to do with a lack of work on my part as much as it has to do with the inherent attractiveness of the topic being discussed. There is so much room for discussion that It's difficult to reach a very strong conclusion. As probably almost all of us have thought throughout our university experience, the chilean educational model leaves formative education behind in favor of an instructive approach, producing highly qualified professionals  (under a scientist-rational perspective)  to the market as a result,  even if they just reproduce knowledge instead of producing it.  Without disregarding this situation, I think that, at least in FACSO, university decreases it   due to professors's required hardwork to impart  a humanist education since they share their mental/cognitive tools, stimul...


The Coronavirus pandemic has been a situational fluctuation as for my emotions, what is connected with the different people I've been surrounded by throughout this period.  Initially I lived quarantine with my paternal family at Linares, which is one of the worst moments I've faced through in last years on account of the terrible family life we had. Fortunately, at the same time that classes got started, I came to live to my mom's house at Osorno, in where everything contributes to have a great well-being because we all want it. In this line, we try to spend as much time as we can in family,   watching a serie or just remembering family anecdotes. Also, we have many identity characteristics in common, so no one bothers each other making a good space to don't let the studies become a big problem and to try to achieve some quarantine goals, which personally are handle a better english than before and keep my emotions away from suffering. I haven't done another activi...


Studies are one of the most important things in my life. On the one hand I think they're the way I have to improve the world by the principles that are right on my values code. On the other, I feel satisfied, proud and happy of myself when I increase my knowledge; so if I could study the rest of my life, surely I'd do it. In this line, my ideal future includes continuing my training as a psychologist with a part-time course of Social Politics in England or Spain, because there are more opportunities and a culture to be known, even if I have to sell my weekend to finance it. Even more, I'd like to achieve a master's degree in Legal Psychology abroad, but it would take almost all my daily time so I wouldn't be able to work on the weekends and, in consequence, I couldn't finance it. 

My future job

In the future I would like to work as a legal psychologist at a Family Court or just with prison  inmates because I'm pretty sure that the most vulnerable are also the most invisible; and well, considering that psychological reports have a great weight on final veredicts, I think it's important to put our social help ideas into practice: use psychological report's relevance to help the most disadvantaged's well-being  (and of course children and prisoners, who have suffered a lot, need psychological attention urgently). I think the most important principles I'd need are social responsability, empathy and some patience. Just in case, it doesn't complicate me because I've been building them just through life experience, and also it would satisfy some of my personal interests as knowing that what I'm doing is right (at least on my values code). Charles Manson.


In spite of my ignorance on movie's world, it deserves all my respect and appreciation just because is art, what is more, is particularly the art of complexity . It's about to make a great storyline without neglecting the music, performance, ambient, camera, etc. to be joined in a sort of creator substance of a new world,  a new subjectivity: a parallel reality where ourselves are a construction never ever constructed. Indeed, the creating movie’s process ends when a spectator subjectivizes it. I remember Joker as an artistic representation of almost all modern problems in just one character through the impressive performance of Joaquin Phoenix. Also, this film uses the city as another actor, uses an addecuate music, a good lighting and many more components helping audience to understand how joker's mind was built, ending up with Murray's death as the maximum expression of social suffering.  I think it's a brilliant piece of art and everyone should watch it, at...

The Dream Theater experience

On December 15th last year, I attended to a Dream Theater's concert at Movistar Arena, one of the best experiences of my whole life. Dream Theater is a progressive metal's band formed in 1985 by Mike Portnoy, John Petrucci, John Myung, James Labrie and Jordan Rudess (I know, their names are so important to the music's world). That night the public were mostly old men and-or nerd's music guys concentrated on the music, what was a little strange for me because of the previous metal concerts I've been, where drugs and noise obscured the presentation; I guess it's a cult music's logic consequence, I mean we all were impresionated with the time signature's changes and the virtuosity emanated during all the concert, and that's the reason I think it's my favourite one: I had never been in a concert with that kind of appreciation and respect for the music. We all were excited. I remember I almost had a heart attack (exaggerating) because John P...