
The Coronavirus pandemic has been a situational fluctuation as for my emotions, what is connected with the different people I've been surrounded by throughout this period. 
Initially I lived quarantine with my paternal family at Linares, which is one of the worst moments I've faced through in last years on account of the terrible family life we had. Fortunately, at the same time that classes got started, I came to live to my mom's house at Osorno, in where everything contributes to have a great well-being because we all want it. In this line, we try to spend as much time as we can in family,  watching a serie or just remembering family anecdotes. Also, we have many identity characteristics in common, so no one bothers each other making a good space to don't let the studies become a big problem and to try to achieve some quarantine goals, which personally are handle a better english than before and keep my emotions away from suffering. I haven't done another activity in adittion to those.
Without disregarding social suffering, I keep optimistic about the pandemic even if my perception is conditioned by the well-being I'm having, mainly because from a rational perspective the number of infections is highly decreasing so at least we could visit our friends/relatives on September I guess.
Finally, to talk about society is a little difficult to me because I have reasons to believe that we could get better or get worse. On the one hand, we have had to unite ourselves out of necessities (famine, studies, emotional support) so it could be an opportunity to improve our helpful sense. On the other hand, I'm afraid we could become more fearful or judgmental about others loosening the social bond.


  1. I was pessimistic about the pandemic but you just gave me a little hope, so...thanks :D I hope that in September things have improved

  2. Agree with the previous comment, now I am hopeful that this pandemic will soon be over. Besides, I hadn't thought about losing our social bond, but I think we can gradually recover it :-)


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