
To notice how much the process of learning and mastering the English language has evolved throughout history will never fail to impress me. Back in the day, learning English was not perceived to be something as essential as it is in the globalized world in which we currently live. Additionally, the mere fact of knowing even the most elementary notions of this language was usually a sign of an enormous amount of socioeconomical privilege, since the access to comprehensive study material was severely limited. Therefore, having the ability to work on my English at university as well as a having access to a virtually infinite database of information through the internet is something I am certainly very grateful for.

This semester’s English class has been a fundamental pillar when it comes to consolidating and further improving my previously acquired knowledge regarding pronunciation, writing, listening and specially grammar and vocabulary. This, in turn, has helped me to integrate English into my everyday life to a greater extent that I had ever had before. From watching my favorite movies and TV shows, or listening to my preferred musical artists in the language, to being able to maintain much more fluent conversations with close friends and people from other countries on the internet. In this sense, I highly appreciate the practical approach that has been given to the lessons of this course, promoting active participation and group activities as a complement to the more theoretical aspects, which can be kind of tiring on their own.

I suppose this is my final entry to this blog, at least in this context. But that doesn't mean I am going to quit writing at all. Because, it is actually through exercises like these that the desire to continue learning and applying the skills that I have acquired do flow. Thanks for following me and see you all, hopefully sooner than later.


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