
Studies are one of the most important things in my life. On the one hand I think they're the way I have to improve the world by the principles that are right on my values code. On the other, I feel satisfied, proud and happy of myself when I increase my knowledge; so if I could study the rest of my life, surely I'd do it. In this line, my ideal future includes continuing my training as a psychologist with a part-time course of Social Politics in England or Spain, because there are more opportunities and a culture to be known, even if I have to sell my weekend to finance it. Even more, I'd like to achieve a master's degree in Legal Psychology abroad, but it would take almost all my daily time so I wouldn't be able to work on the weekends and, in consequence, I couldn't finance it. 


  1. Learning is always a very valuable thing and it's great that you want to continue studying after graduating, I hope you can meet all those goals! :D

  2. There's too much to learn! I hope you can make it


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