
In spite of my ignorance on movie's world, it deserves all my respect and appreciation just because is art, what is more, is particularly the art of complexity. It's about to make a great storyline without neglecting the music, performance, ambient, camera, etc. to be joined in a sort of creator substance of a new world, a new subjectivity: a parallel reality where ourselves are a construction never ever constructed. Indeed, the creating movie’s process ends when a spectator subjectivizes it.
I remember Joker as an artistic representation of almost all modern problems in just one character through the impressive performance of Joaquin Phoenix. Also, this film uses the city as another actor, uses an addecuate music, a good lighting and many more components helping audience to understand how joker's mind was built, ending up with Murray's death as the maximum expression of social suffering. 
I think it's a brilliant piece of art and everyone should watch it, at least it makes empathy work.


  1. The final scene of this movie is just ART! I really love it.

  2. It's a movie I've been waiting for a long time, but I need to watch it.

  3. Now this is living in EEUU, I never expect that haha It's a great movie!


  4. It is a film that made me reflect a lot and caused me many emotions

  5. Its a really good movie a real piece of art but most of all i love the fact that its about mental health, as Joaquín phoenix they used the characther of the joker to speak about mental health in a really raw way.

  6. I love Joaquin Phoenix because it's a pretty good actor and his vegan haha


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