My future job

In the future I would like to work as a legal psychologist at a Family Court or just with prison inmates because I'm pretty sure that the most vulnerable are also the most invisible; and well, considering that psychological reports have a great weight on final veredicts, I think it's important to put our social help ideas into practice: use psychological report's relevance to help the most disadvantaged's well-being (and of course children and prisoners, who have suffered a lot, need psychological attention urgently).
I think the most important principles I'd need are social responsability, empathy and some patience. Just in case, it doesn't complicate me because I've been building them just through life experience, and also it would satisfy some of my personal interests as knowing that what I'm doing is right (at least on my values code).

Charles Manson.


  1. I want to job in the same thing...I hope we can meet there haha

  2. I also think that the area of legal system is exciting as psychologist. I agree with here is the most vulnerable people and is necessary take a social perspective to treat them

  3. I also believe that empathy is fundamental in carrying out the work of psychology in general.

  4. A very difficult job. You will have be very strong in the future.


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